Are Raccoons Dangerous Around My House?

A raccoon hanging out in Baton Rouge LA - Dugas Pest ControlRaccoons are often considered violent, aggressive, and dangerous. They forage for food in our trash cans and sneak around our yards at night, creating an unsettling environment for the fearful. They have also been proven to carry rabies in some cases. But is there truly a reason to panic if raccoons are inhabiting your yard?

While it is true that raccoons have been known to exhibit aggressive behavior, they are actually much more scared of you than you are of them. So long as you do not try to get rid of raccoons on your property on your own, they will leave you alone and keep a safe distance. If you are concerned about the raccoons on your property in Baton Rouge LA, read on to learn more about them from the Dugas Pest Control experts.

Are Raccoons Dangerous in Baton Rouge LA?

When living in the wild in their natural habitats, raccoons leave humans alone whenever possible. However, sometimes they stumble into residential areas looking for food and shelter, and when they find them, they might stick around. Trying to ward off raccoons on your own can be very dangerous—they have sharp claws, bite, and can transmit various diseases. However, they will not bite unless you threaten them.

That said, raccoons can cause a hassle by way of property damage. They have been known to:

  • Climb through chimneys and cause structural damage
  • Chew on electrical wiring, causing fire hazards
  • Damage your siding, insulation, wiring, and other parts of your home

How Can I Prevent Raccoons?

Keeping your property clean and your home sealed off will prevent raccoons from taking residence around your home. Here are some starters that you can do on your own:

  1. Clean up waste. Any food scraps, fallen fruit from trees, and other trash can attract raccoons.
  2. Seal your trash cans. Consider buying a garbage can with a latch so raccoons can’t get inside.
  3. Look for open entry points. If you’ve noticed raccoons lurking in your neighborhood, look around your house for small gaps in the siding or foundation where they could get inside your walls.

Professional Raccoon Removal with Dugas Pest Control

If you can’t get rid of raccoons on your property in Baton Rouge LA, have your local pest control company help you out. Our Dugas Pest Control wildlife specialists are trained to use safe and humane strategies that handle active raccoon infestations quickly. We also emphasize the importance of learning how to prevent raccoons on your own going forward. For a free quote on the best raccoon removal service in Baton Rouge, contact us today!

What Are Those Bugs in the Bathroom?

What silverfish look like in Baton Rouge LA - Dugas Pest ControlSometimes, even when we think we’ve kept our bathrooms as clean as we can, we still find that they’ve become a home for unwanted pests. The moisture and humidity that build up in our bathrooms provide essential needs for many kinds of pests in Baton Rouge LA. Whether they’re looking for drinking water, hospitable environments, or other bugs to eat, there’s something for every critter in your bathroom. To find out what pests you might find in your bathroom and how to prevent them, learn from the technicians at Dugas Pest Control!

What Pests Infest Bathrooms?

There is a long list of Baton Rouge LA pests that could find their way into your bathroom, but these three are some that we deal with all the time:

  1. Ants: These critters are attracted to excess moisture in our bathrooms for drinking water. The scent of our perfumes, soaps, body washes, shampoos, and other hygiene products are also likely to draw ants in, looking for food.
  2. Cockroaches: Infamously easy to please, roaches are comfortable eating toothpaste, soap, and grime that they find in our bathrooms. The warm temperatures, moisture, and dark cabinets keep them around.
  3. Silverfish: These insects love humid environments, which are easily created by a poorly ventilated bathroom. If you find silverfish on the floor of your shower or tub, you probably have a humidity issue that you need to address.

Humidity is also known to draw in drain flies, centipedes, and certain kinds of spiders.

What Can I Do to Keep Pests Out of My Bathroom?

You will have a much better chance of avoiding pest problems with a clean and dry bathroom. Add these measures to your cleaning routine to help keep pests out of your home:

  • Wipe down your countertops to remove any standing water and excess filth
  • Keep your bathroom well-ventilated, especially during and after a shower, to reduce humidity
  • Inspect your plumbing fixtures regularly to look for leaks or pest activity
  • Clean up any toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, or other hygiene products that spill

Whatever you can do to remove excess moisture and mess from your bathroom will contribute to a pest-free environment!

How to Keep Pests Out of Your Baton Rouge LA Bathroom

When pests are taking over your bathroom to the point where you can’t shower in peace, it’s important to let your local pest control company know. At Dugas Pest Control, we take pride in our expert ability to identify pest vulnerabilities and eliminate active populations swiftly and safely, restoring our customers’ bathrooms to proper conditions. Don’t hesitate to get rid of pests in the bathroom—contact us today for a free quote!