Mouse or Rat? 4 Ways to Tell the Difference Between Louisiana Rodents

A mouse found in Baton Rouge LA - Dugas Pest ControlMany of us are familiar with that scurrying sound in the walls. However, when it comes down to getting rid of rodents, many people don’t care what they’re dealing with as long as they’re out of the house ASAP! While a professional pest control company can always take care of your rodent infestation, no matter what kind, we highly encourage our customers to learn about the differences between the two. It can save you from future infestations!

To learn more about the differences between mice and rats in Baton Rouge LA, read on for some pointers from the rodent control team at Dugas Pest Control.

Rats vs Mice: Why Should I Know the Difference?

To a certain extent, whether or not you have mice or rats in your home does not matter immediately. Both of these pests are capable of spreading dangerous diseases and filth and causing similar damage to your home: scratches, stains, and chewed-through wiring. Either way, your safest move is to hire a rodent removal professional to assess your situation.

However, learning the differences between the two is what will save you from future infestations. While they share many similarities, the differences between mice and rats are consequential enough to allow you to target the prevention of whichever species is giving you trouble on your property.

4 Differences Between Rat and Mice Species in Baton Rouge

These are the four main factors to look for to tell if you’re dealing with rats or mice:

  1. Appearance: The house mouse is the most common mouse in Baton Rouge. At only .5oz, they are much smaller than rats. They range in color from light brown to gray. Besides their larger size, the roof rat can be differentiated from mice by its darker coat, and the Norway rat can be told apart by its shaggy coat.
  2. Behavior: The biggest distinction to make between rats and mice is this: rats are curious and mice are cautious. When dealing with mice, you can put baited traps out and expect success with a quick turnaround time. However, rats need to investigate items that are newly introduced to their environment. Placing unset traps first can help increase the likelihood of their eventual success.
  3. Diet: Although mice are known as cheese-lovers, they actually prefer grains and plants. Cereals and fresh produce are delectable to mice. Rats are less picky, but their favorite foods are fresh grains and meat. Rats also need a consistent water source, while mice derive almost all of their necessary hydration from food sources.
  4. Habitats: Mice like to build nests close to their food source using shredded paper, fabric, or similar materials. Both local rat species nest differently: Norway rats burrow outdoors or in large enough piles of debris, and roof rats nest as high up as they can, usually in attics or trees.

Rodent Removal Services with Dugas Pest Control

No matter which rodent species you’re dealing with, you can trust in the technicians at Dugas Pest Control to remove them. Our rodent control experts conduct comprehensive mouse and rat removal services, offering advice to prevent future infestations based on complete property inspections. For a free quote or to hear more about how we can help, contact us today!

Keeping Pests Out Over the Holidays

A cockroach found in Baton Rouge LA - Dugas Pest ControlThe holiday season means family gatherings, good food, and sharing gifts—it’s a time of the year that so many of us look forward to. However, many different kinds of pests in Baton Rouge look forward to it, too. With so many new opportunities for pests to spread and proliferate associated with the holiday season, it’s important to stay diligent about pest prevention. To learn how to prevent pest infestations this holiday season, read on for advice from the expert technicians at Dugas Pest Control!

How Do Pests Spread During the Holiday Season?

Pest infestations definitely aren’t the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the holidays, but many people here in Baton Rouge LA can associate them with each other through past experiences. Here are the main ways pest outbreaks start during the holidays:

  • Plants: Trees, garlands, wreaths, and other decorative plants are all popular decor options during the holidays. They make easy hiding places for all sorts of insects, and sometimes even mice.
  • Packages: Bugs like cockroaches and beetles like to chew their way into cardboard packaging for shelter. They can end up being transported somewhere and multiplying in their new home.
  • Decorations: We’ve heard many stories of homeowners pulling their decorations out from storage to find them teeming with insects.

3 Ways to Prevent Holiday Season Pests

It’s important to take extra precautions against pests during the holiday season. We’ve asked our technicians to provide their three most essential tips to prevent pest problems around this time of year:

  1. Check your storage space and boxes for pest damage before bringing your decorations out for the season. There could be scratches and bite marks on boxes or droppings nearby.
  2. Store your firewood outside, off the ground, and away from your home if you can. Make sure to inspect your woodpile for pests before bringing wood inside.
  3. Shake out your tree or similar greenery before setting it up inside your home.

Need Pest Control in Baton Rouge LA this Holiday Season?

No one wants to deal with pests during the holidays, especially if you’ve already experienced how frustrating it can be. If you’re looking to get a head start on pest prevention this holiday season, ask your local pest control company how they can help. Our licensed and certified technicians at Dugas Pest Control are trained to conduct all-encompassing pest control services that include inspections, extermination, and preventative maintenance work to keep your home pest-free through the holidays and all year long. Contact us today for a free quote!