Rats and Mice: The Scoop on Poop

white mouse going down hallway

Have you found what looks like mysterious tracks of dirt around your house? Take a closer look, because what you’re seeing may actually be rodent poop. Like any animal droppings, rat and mouse poop is not a pleasant sight for any homeowner. However, unlike some of these other animals, mishandling their leavings poses a particular health hazard. What does mouse poop look like? How can you clean rat droppings safely? And who can you call in Baton Rouge for comprehensive rat control services? We’ll answer all of that below.

Rat Versus Mouse Droppings

Rats and mice may both be considered the same kind of pests, but they’re very different creatures. Rats are much larger, for instance, and their droppings reflect that. They will leave waste all over the house in pellets the size of a coffee bean. Rat droppings are commonly mistaken for squirrel poop, though squirrel leavings are more rounded and lighten over time.

Compare this to mouse poop. Mice are so small that their waste is sometimes confused with cockroach poop. Both are dark and tiny, though mouse droppings are pointed at the ends like a grain of rice. You might find these dark brown grains in your silverware drawer, or behind spaces where you store food. If you do, it’s a sure sign of the presence of mice somewhere in your home. But before you address that, how can you properly clean the leavings in front of you right now?

How to Safely Clean Mouse and Rat Poop

There’s a respiratory disease called Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome, or just Hantavirus for short. It’s a severe respiratory disease that has similar symptoms to COVID-19, including the possibility of the patient’s lungs filling with fluid. The fatality rate is around 38%, but in the United States, there have been no cases of the disease being transferred from person to person. How does it spread, then?

Rats and mice are both known for carrying HPS. When they leave their droppings around the house, their waste contains the virus. So, if you come across a pile and sweep or vacuum it up, you’re unknowingly releasing virus particles into the air. That’s not to say that you can’t clean rodent waste from around your house, it just means that to do so requires some careful precautions.

You’ll need rubber or plastic gloves, eye goggles and a mask. Once you’re protected, spray the contaminated area with bleach or disinfectant and allow it to soak for five minutes. Once you’ve done that, you can wipe up the mess with a paper towel and throw it away. After that you can clean as you usually would, vacuuming or scrubbing depending on the location of the mess. Doing all this cleans and sanitizes your home, but it doesn’t remove the pest from your property. To do that you’ll need some professional help.

Dugas for Rodent Control

At Dugas Pest Control we’ve been controlling pests around Baton Rouge for almost a hundred years. We are familiar with all the main rodents and other pests in this part of Louisiana, and we can treat for all of them. Rats and mice, if left on their own, can damage your belongings and your house as a whole. They will tunnel through insulation and gnaw at wood and wires, increasing the risk of an electrical fire. If you’re in the Baton Rouge LA area and have a rodent infestation, we’re the ones that can get rid of it for you. Not only that, but we can implement exclusion tactics to make sure more don’t get in later. To learn more and get your free quote, contact us today!