New Year, New Me, NO PESTS!

Friends lighting sparklers at night on New Year's Eve

As we reach the end of the new year and the start of the next, it’s common to ask yourself what changes you’re going to make for 2023. Are you going to commit to a dietary change, a workout regimen or new artistic outlet? Whether your ambitions are grand or simple, there’s a promise we can all make toward maintaining a pest-free home. And you don’t necessarily need poisons or elaborate traps to make this happen. If you have a pest infestation, you can rely on Dugas Pest Control for residential or commercial extermination services. But if you work with intention and follow a few key resolutions, there’s a chance you won’t need to call us at all.

You can make these four New Year’s resolutions today to improve your odds of having a peaceful, pest-free start to the new year.

Resolution One: Clear Out Clutter!

Pests like to hide and nest in areas that are quiet, dark, and undisturbed. Do you treat your closets and attics as dumping grounds for whatever you no longer want to look at? If so, you’re inadvertently creating an ideal habitat for all kinds of pests. Roaches, mice, and bed bugs all love easy access to areas where they will be able to feed and reproduce without being bothered. Because of that, it’s important to be consistently vigilant in keeping your home organized at all times. Doing this won’t just deter pests, it’ll also leave you calmer and more aware of the space around you.

Resolution Two: Keep Your Kitchen Clean!

The two biggest attractants of pests are shelter and a source of food. Think about the state of your kitchen. Do you have bowls of food left open and unattended to on the counters? Are the dishes from last night’s dinner still in the sink? You probably already know tendencies like these are not desirable habits to maintain – but think about it from the perspective of a pest. Those food particles left on the surfaces of your kitchen that you’re too busy to clean are a feast for a mouse or ant. Keep your food stored and your kitchen clean, and you no longer advertise yourself to every bug and rodent in the neighborhood. It’s that simple.

Resolution Three: Eliminate Entry Points!

Pests don’t appear out of nowhere. They all got in through some kind of opening in the exterior of your home. So, take the time to find and seal any potential entry point in, around, and outside your home. Pay special attention to windows and doors, as well as your foundation, vents, and the holes around any electric conduits, gas lines, or water faucets. And you can install new door sweeps or weatherstripping on exterior doors to further secure your home against pests.

Resolution Four: Transport Your Tinder!

We all enjoy a nice fire when it’s cold out. At the same time, though, there are a variety of insects that hide in the kind of firewood you bring into your home. To avoid bringing spiders, ants, flies, and other pests into your home, it’s important to keep your firewood at least 20 feet away from your home. Only take what you plan on burning at the time, and always inspect the wood before you bring it inside. With that in mind, you’ll be able to stay warm without running the risk of pests.

Dugas Pest Control – Experienced Exterminators in Baton Rouge

Life is hard to predict. If you do all this and still wind up with a pest infestation sometime next year, Dugas Pest Control is here to help. We’ve been controlling pests around Baton Rouge for over 50 years, so we’re familiar with the pests that live here. You don’t have to waste any time worrying, stressing and scrambling for DIY solutions. Instead, let one of our technicians handle the infestation quickly and efficiently. When we’re done, you’ll be able to start the new year off right. Want to know more and get a free quote for your household? Contact us today!