Dugas Pest attending PESTWORLD 2011

The team at Dugas Pest Control is really excited about heading to New Orleans in a couple of weeks.  We are closing the office on Thursday, Oct 20 so that we can ALL attend the largest gathering of pest management professionals in the world!

PESTWORLD 2011 is the National Pest Management Association’s annual exhibition and convention.  We are so lucky to have it in our own backyard this year!

Our president, Laura Simpson is the president-elect of NPMA so we will get to see her in action as well.  We will visit the exhibit hall to see tons of vendors and products specific to the pest industry as well as attend educational sessions on all kinds of topics.

Of course the purpose of this adventure is to further the education and knowledge of our team so that we can continue to give YOU the best service as well as the latest cutting edge technology and products.

We will tell you more later!

Tanger Mall Fit for Families 5k

Dugas Pest Control has just signed up to partner with one of our customers, Tanger Outlet Mall to help sponsor their Fit for Families 5K Run.  The proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society in our area.

We had so much fun at our Carwash for the Cure last year, we wanted to participate in something even bigger and better.  Hope you can come join us for a fun morning of fitness!