Technician Spotlight: Meet Leslie

pest technicianHow did years working in customer service prepare Leslie Lovett for her role as a pest technician?

Simple: she loves interacting with our clients, treating each one like “somebody I’ve known forever.”

The Power of Listening

Listening is key – Leslie listens to customers to make sure she understands their issues and more importantly, solves their pest problems.

Listening to colleagues has also helped Leslie learn her job – there’s always something new in the world of pests, and her interest in learning and continuous improvement has made almost 3 years with Dugas fly by!

She sees something new every day, whether in the field or from her fellow techs. The ongoing education makes each day a unique experience.

The flexible schedule and time spent outdoors are some of her other favorite parts of the job – working as a pest technician is an active job, perfect for someone with Leslie’s energy.

Reporting from the Field

Some things Leslie has been seeing in the field lately are lots of early mosquitoes. The recent warm weather combined with standing water from all the rain this winter make the perfect breeding ground for these pests.

Another issue is that this year’s cold snap made it hard to get out and maintain your yard, so clearing out gutters, emptying standing water, and other yard work that helps keep mosquitoes at bay may have fallen by the wayside as the cold weather kept folks indoors.

Rats and mice are another issue Leslie has seen a lot of this year. Once again, weather is a major factor, with cold temperatures driving rodents to find a warmer place to live. In extreme cases, rodents can destroy electrical equipment – even in your car! One customer has been fighting an infestation that’s damaged her electrics in her house and car, but Leslie was able to treat the problem and help save the customer’s property.

If you think pest technicians just spray and go away, you’d be wrong. Customer service, continuous improvement, and continuing education are a big part of the job and the reason techs like Leslie make Dugas great!