Mosquito Control: It’s Not Just a Backyard Problem

Dugas Pest Control provides mosquito control service in New Orleans and Baton Rouge Louisiana Living in Louisiana, you’re used to seeing mosquitoes cross your path. Yet this year, state and health officials are urging residents to be on guard due to the increased risk of infected mosquitoes. The West Nile virus is carried by mosquitoes and spread to humans when they are bitten.

There has been an increasing number of West Nile cases reported across the country, Louisiana included. Protecting your home and your family is the first step to preventing the West Nile virus, but the community must take an active role as well.

Working Together as a Community

The first step in working toward a solution for mosquito control is to see if there is already a group organized for your community; many neighborhoods already have a mosquito control plan in place. Here, residents can participate in the control efforts and make a difference in their community. These efforts include hiring a professional pest control company such as Dugas Pest Control and notifying local residents of what they should be doing to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes. When everyone is informed, neighbors can do their part to remove standing water while the community can schedule regular spraying from a professional company. When individual neighbors and the community come together, the best defense in preventing the spread of West Nile is formed.

Hiring a professional pest control company is helpful because they can target an area at large, identify potential breeding grounds and ensure that future infestations are avoided. It can also help to have a professional survey the area so that there is a neutral party instructing neighbors of what to do to avoid the spread of West Nile. After all, if one neighbor has a standing water in their backyard, the whole neighborhood will experience a mosquito infestation. Prevention is a community effort, and it requires everyone to work together for one solution. Notifying neighbors of what they can be doing in their own backyards – dumping out standing water, tightening screens on doors and windows and perhaps investing in a misting system – is an effective strategy for making sure that everyone is doing their part and has the correct information at hand.

Mosquito Control Beyond the Backyard

Dugas Pest Control provides mosquito control service in New Orleans and Baton Rouge Louisiana Pest control companies are also urging residents to protect themselves anytime they are outdoors, not just in their backyards. People are often diligent about protecting themselves near their own homes because that’s when they tend to be outdoors the longest, but it’s important to take the same precautions any time you head outside. Mosquitoes are everywhere – not just your backyard.

That is why health officials are stepping up, spraying parks, hiking trails and other public places in an effort to reduce mosquito infestations. Even though mosquitoes are a nationwide problem, working together is the most effective way to fight the heightened threat of West Nile.

Why Mosquito Misting Systems are So Popular

If you’re tired of drenching yourself in insect repellent just to keep the mosquitoes at bay, it’s time to reconsider your pest control tactics. Mosquito misting systems are excellent options for home and business owners who are dealing with mosquito problems, a common occurrence in Louisiana. These systems are designed to spray pesticides in a fine mist and are mounted around the perimeter of a home, fence or building. Misting systems can be turned on using a remote, a switch or a timer to meet the needs of its environment.

Are Mosquito Misting Systems Safe?

Mosquito misting systems are certainly a brilliant idea, considering they’re effective and do the work for you to rid the area of mosquitoes. However, there have been some concerns over the safety of these systems since they release insecticides. The good news is that these insecticides are low-risk for residential and business use and include agents such as permethrin and pyrethrin’s found in insect repellent products.

The EPA has assessed the health and environmental effects of misting systems and believes them to be safe for both. With the small amount of insecticide used and the short time they are released into the environment, the EPA considers misting systems to be low risk for both humans and pets.

Advantages to Choosing a Misting System

There are many wonderful advantages to having a mosquito misting system. These systems are reliable and effective and focus on the areas where you spend most of the time. With misters, the environment is controlled instead of the person, and it’s a nice perk not to have to spray yourself in insect repellents to keep the bugs away. Unlike other pesticides, misting systems are safe for people, pets and the environment, especially as the insecticides break down easily and won’t cause a lasting effect like other pesticides that can linger on plants and grass.

Mosquito mister systems are easy to maintain, and once they are properly installed, they can be turned on using a remote or timer. All parts and components are built for outdoor use and feature a rugged construction. These completely independent machines take the hassle out of having to mosquito-proof the backyard using bug sprays, citronella candles and pesticides of your own.

If you’re not sure which type of mosquito misting system to use, put your trust in the Coastal Mister System exclusively offered by Dugas Pest Control. This system uses advanced misting technology to remove mosquitoes and other insects from the space. It relies on the natural insecticide Pyrethrum to repel bugs and can be controlled manually, with a remote or by setting a timer. You can’t ask for any better way to protect your home or business and bring comfort to those around you than by using a misting system. Contact the mosquito exterminators at Dugas Pest Control for more information.

Smart Tips for Avoiding the West Nile Virus

Many of us don’t imagine getting the West Nile virus, especially because mosquitoes are are a regular part of living in the south. However, there are effective ways to protect yourself and your family, and everyone should be doing their part. Just as you would wash your hands and cover your mouth to prevent the spread of germs while having a cold, there are preventative measures you can take to avoid the West Nile virus. While the best thing to do is try to avoid getting bit altogether, we know this can be extremely difficult in the south, and it takes more diligence than just spraying on your favorite bug spray. Let’s take a look at the best way to prevent these itchy bug bites and your risk of the West Nile virus.

The Correct Use of Insect Repellents

Any time you step outdoors, you run the risk of getting bitten by a mosquito. If you’re going to be outside for any length of time, apply insect repellent to the exposed skin and spray your clothes with an EPA-registered repellent. Most EPA-registered repellents have an agent called permethrin in them that prevent mosquitoes from biting through the clothing. However, you should never place these repellents directly on the skin. Also never spray repellent underneath your clothes. When choosing bug sprays, don’t think that just because the spray has a higher percentage of the active ingredient means that it’s stronger. Instead, it means that the repellent will last longer. With this in mind, select a product that will provide you with enough protection for the time you’ll be outdoors. If the weather is cool enough, wear long sleeves or pants, and always place bug nets on infant carriers and strollers. Dawn, dusk and early evening are when mosquitoes bite the most, so exercise extra caution when out during these times.

Preventing the Spread of Mosquitoes

Not only should you avoid getting bit by a mosquito, but also you should prevent mosquitoes from breeding. Since mosquitoes like standing water, draining sources that collect water will prevent them from laying eggs. Look for standing water in flower pots, buckets, barrels, cans, water dishes, bird baths and swimming pools. Clean out clogged gutters and remove items lying in the yard that could collect water, such as old tires or wood logs. Even trash items that blow under your bushes can collect water, so do a regular sweep of the yard and look for recyclable containers and plastic bags that may have blown over from a neighbor’s yard.

Place Tight Fitting Screens on Windows and Doors

You may be careful to avoid mosquito bites when you’re outdoors, but we often forget about bug control when we’re indoors. Be sure that you have well-fitted screens on both your doors and windows. These tiny insects can easily get through screens that have holes or are loosely positioned onto doors and windows, coming into the home and serving as a potential threat for West Nile. Having adequate screens also provides additional perks, such as keeping dirt and standing water out of the windows. If you feel that your mosquito problem is severe, don’t hesitate to call a professional pest control company. Dugas Pest Control has their own unique mosquito control system that will rid these stubborn insects from your work or outdoor space – for good.

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West Nile Problems in Baton Rouge

Louisiana residents joke about the prevalence of mosquitoes in the area by saying that the state bird IS the mosquito. This year has been especially challenging with the increase in mosquitoes and the virus they carry – West Nile.

2012 Stats for West Nile

Just this week, officials in the Baton Rouge area alerted neighborhoods to take extra precautions from being bit by mosquitoes because of the prevalence of West Nile. Research has indicated that the infection rate for mosquitoes is 11.1 percent for every 1,000 mosquitoes tested. That is almost twice the number that has been found in the past, and even those numbers resulted in human cases of the West Nile virus.

So far, there have been 53 cases of West Nile in the state of Louisiana, and positive samples of the virus have been found throughout the parishes. Officials have been placing mosquito traps in the Baton Rouge area to trap mosquitoes and test them for the virus. There is growing concern over encephalitis – swelling of the brain – which has been found to be part of the virus in some of the mosquitoes tested.

Concerns for Hunting Season

As always, health officials are most concerned about the very old and the very young, but the entire population is of concern at the immediate time. Not only has there been more West Nile activity this year compared to the last three to five years, but also the next three months are the peak of the season. With hunting season around the corner, this is also a concern over West Nile cases that will occur during the fall. With hunters spending long days outdoors and around trees and animals, the number of West Nile cases could spike.

Local Efforts to Prevent West Nile

Thankfully, 90 percent of West Nile cases are asymptomatic, which means you carry the virus but have no symptoms. In about 10 percent of cases, the person will develop a fever; those who are over 65 years of age are of greatest concern because they are at a higher risk for complications.

To protect yourself against the virus, Louisiana officials urge all residents to look for standing water around their home and eliminate it – regularly. That means dumping out water that sits in flower pots, buckets, swimming pools and bird baths.

Working with a pest control company like Dugas Pest Control can get your home safe from these pesky insects so you don’t have to worry. It’s important to choose a local company that understands the unique environment of the south and how these damp and wet conditions can provide mosquitoes with the perfect grounds for breeding. You can also expect to see the Baton Rouge area stepping up in its own precautionary efforts, spraying each day to control these pesky pests.

Insect Control in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

If you are a resident in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, you know that insect control is a must for every single home. This climate and region creates the perfect habitat for fire ants, spiders, cockroaches, ticks, silverfish, mosquitoes, and many other pests to thrive. However, that does not mean that you should have to share your home with these unwelcome guests!

Common insect problems in Baton Rouge, Louisiana:

A termite infestation can cause significant damage to your home or business. Dugas Pest Control is an authorized applicator for the leading termite control solution: Sentricon. Each of these termite treatment systems has their own advantages, but no matter which one you choose rest assured that they will eliminate current termite colonies and prevent future infestations from occurring. Ask us if you have questions about which termite control system is right for you.

Like many pests, mosquitoes can potentially carry dangerous viruses (such as West Nile), and are a very common insect to find in Baton Rouge. Step one in getting a handle on a mosquito problem is to eliminate standing water and any other breeding areas for mosquitoes around your home. Step two is to consider a mosquito control treatment system to further protect your home against this annoying pest.

Fleas, Ticks & Fire Ants
Even if you don’t have pets, fleas and ticks can still be a problem. And for those who do have pets, especially those who go both inside and outside, controlling fleas and ticks is a must! Ants can be another nagging problem here in south Louisiana both indoors and outdoors as we have more than our share of ant species in this area.

How to get control of insects

Your pest control provider should help you understand how to prevent insect problems from occurring by helping you diagnose the problem and offering suitable treatment solutions. This also means helping each customer learn to identify potential insect problems, such as nesting sites, entry ways, or optimal breeding grounds that can be eliminated.

Once the initial insect problem is under control, the goal is to set up a perimeter from the outside that will protect your home from unwanted intruding insects. Most of the insect control treatments last several months at a time, and a Dugas Pest Control trained professional will return on a regular basis to maintain your protection.

The Importance of Controlling Nuisance Wildlife

Dugas Pest Control provides humane wildlife trapping service in New Orleans and Baton Rouge LouisianaThere is no doubt that most of us love seeing a cute raccoon in a state park or on a nature walk.  But you definitely don’t want to see that same raccoon rooting through your dog’s food when you open your garage door at night.

Or, if you see a big black snake in your yard, can you really be sure that it is probably just a harmless Louisiana king snake?  Very few people can correctly identify a snake in a situation like this.

The fact is that if you are hearing scratching and gnawing noises in your attic, or finding over turned garbage cans in the morning, there is a good chance you may have a problem with something commonly called “nuisance wildlife”.  And while some people may only experience the inconvenience of an uprooted garden, others encounters can be more serious to your health.  For instance, many people don’t know that armadillos can carry leprosy!

There are groups of nuisance wildlife animals that seem to cause most of the problems. These include:

  • Raccoons
  • Opossums
  • Snakes
  • Armadillos

What should you do if you see these animals around?

You have few alternatives in getting rid of these pests. But unless you are a pest control expert, “do it yourself” should be out of the question.  Each of these animals can be potentially dangerous, especially when cornered.  And each packs a nasty bite if you are unlucky enough to get too close.

Even if you are lucky enough to actually catch one of these animals, you need to know where you can release them and how to do this in a manner which doesn’t harm the animals.  And once they are gone, there are issues you may still need to address at your home or business to keep the animals from coming BACK – this is referred to as “exclusion”.

If you are seeing these animals regularly on your property here are a few tips:

  • Don’t try to handle, pet or feed them
  • Exercise caution if you are going to try and capture them yourselves
  • Never shoot, harm or kill one of these animals.  In addition to being inhumane, it may actually be illegal unless you are licensed to do removal
  • Check your trash cans, pet food, etc to make sure you are not leaving an easy source of food for them.
  • Make sure that decking, woodpiles, etc. are cleaned out regularly to avoid making common nesting areas too comfortable for them.
  • Keep grass and gardens under control

Many people wind up looking for help after trying unsuccessfully to trap and remove these animals.  After all, creatures like raccoons and armadillos are notoriously “trap shy”.  If you find yourself in this situation, call us today as we now offer nuisance wildlife control and removal in the Baton Rouge area.

Termite damage in southern Louisiana

Dugas Pest Control provides termite treatment and extermination service in New Orleans and Baton Rouge LouisianaTermites are perhaps the most expensive pests we face in the pest control industry and are responsible for billions of dollars in damage each year here in the United States. And unfortunately, here in Louisiana we have our fair share of termites. In fact, according to the LSU Ag Center Formosan subterranean termites cause $500 million in damage annually in Louisiana alone.

Louisiana’s warm and humid climate is favorable for termites. Add to that the abundance of water sources, forests and older homes and you have everything termites need to survive.

Where are termites found?

Termite infestations can be found almost anywhere in our area including homes as well as commercial or industrial sites. These tough pests can also be found in dead trees, shrubs and even agricultural crops. They can be found infesting a structure where a food source is present, or as a swarm during the morning hours or at night.

These factors make termite control a critical service when it comes to protecting our local homes and businesses.

What termites live in Louisiana?

There are three major types of termites in Louisiana:

  • Native subterranean termite
  • Formosan termite
  • Dry wood termite

However, Louisiana homes and buildings sustain more damage from Formosan termites than in any other state in America. In states like Louisiana where termites are very active and widespread, it is essential to maintain an effective termite prevention and control program . If you own a home in Louisiana, talk to a Dugas Pest Control expert about methods to help protect your home from termite infestations and damage.
Why do termites flourish in Louisiana?

Due to the tropical climates of Louisiana, the warmth and humidity attract many species of insects. Termites especially like to swarm to Louisiana during most of the year; with different species arriving at different times of the year in Louisiana there is almost never a time when termites are not entering the State.

According to Termite Infestation Probability Zones (TIP Zones), Louisiana is located in TIP Zone #1 (very heavy), which means the potential for termite damage is considered significant. Areas with higher probabilities for termite activity require more termite control measures to meet International Residential Code building standards for new homes than areas with less frequent activity.
Dugas Pest Control Services in Louisiana

If you are concerned you have termites in your Louisiana home, or do not have a preventative service, it is urgent that you call Dugas Pest Control as soon as possible. In order to minimize damage, it is recommended that you contact someone within the first 24 hours of identifying a possible termite infestation due to their rapid reproduction cycle. By calling immediately you can help prevent further contamination across Baton Rouge and Louisiana and also potentially save thousands of dollars of damage to your home.

Baton Rouge bed bug info

You might have seen the news recently about the growing concern of bed bugs mass contamination across major cities such as New York, but does Baton Rouge really need to worry about bed bugs? After all, Baton Rouge is thousands of miles away, what harm can bed bugs really do here?


Unfortunately, bed bugs are already a problem here in Baton Rouge, but perhaps not on the large scale that they are in older, more densely populated cities like New York.

The other unsettling fact is that even if you don’t have bed bugs now, if you travel or have a visitor who brings bed bugs into your home a problem can quickly develop!

Due to their rapid reproduction cycles, if a bed bug contamination is not contained within 24 hours they can quickly spread throughout entire houses or buildings. Bed bugs are hard to view with the naked eye, but are able to travel in clothes, suitcases and cars for easy transportation. This means that a once they find a great feeding ground, such as your bed or home, bed bugs can be very hard to control thereafter.

Identifying bed bugs in Baton Rouge

Since bed bugs are tiny, microscopic bugs – they are very difficult to see or detect with the naked eye. However, you can look for signs of their existence in your environment by checking bedding and pajamas for specs of blood or bumps on your body.

Even though they are called “bed bugs,” they can be found anywhere in a residential or commercial building, although they are commonly found where people spend longer lengths of time stationary (such as the bed). People often pick up bed bugs when traveling, staying in hotels but sightings have even been found in homes, hotels and movie theaters all across Louisiana.


Spotting or specs of blood is the number one sign you have bed bugs in your home. Occasionally, you might have an allergic reaction to the bed bugs and may notice small bumps or bites on your body which may include a mild irritation.

But no matter what, if you notice blood, or bites, on your body or bedding you should immediately contact a pest control professional such as Dugas Pest Control in Baton Rouge to confirm and eradicate the bed bug problem before they populate inside your home and become out of control.

Minimizing the spread of bed bugs

In order to prevent them from taking up residence in your home or office in the first place, consider the following tips:

Make sure you don’t have fleas or ticks first. Many people who think they have bed bugs actually have a different pest problem such as fleas or ticks. A pest inspection can help make this determination.
If you travel, use the luggage stands in hotels for your suitcases or bags. Try to keep them off the floors and bedding.
When you return home from trips, wash your clothing on the hot cycle (and heat dry if possible) to kill any bed bugs you may have picked up during a trip
Avoid picking up used or discarded furniture such as sofas or bedding if you are not sure where they came from or if you have concerns they may have bed bugs. Often, those who have bed bugs get rid of their furniture or mattresses.

Dugas Pest Control Services in Baton Rouge

If you are concerned you have bed bugs in your Baton Rouge home or business, it is urgent that you call Dugas Pest Control. For best results you should contact us as soon as you suspect a possible bed bug infestation due to bed bugs rapid reproduction cycle. By calling immediately you can help prevent further contamination across Baton Rouge and Louisiana.