West Nile will be a big threat to south Louisiana after flooding subsides

The Louisiana Flood of 2016 is finally over and the flood waters are starting to retreat.  People are returning home to access the damage and formulate plans to move forward.  Streets, parking lots, houses and backyards that were recently under water are now drying out after the historic event that damaged at least 40,000 homes across the southern part of our state.

But, there are may be other problems that people are not aware of…

According to Frank Welch, the Louisiana Department of of Health’s director of community preparedness, we may experience an influx of West Nile in our area.

“The severe flooding in the middle part of the state is going to increase our risk for West Nile” he stated earlier this week.

Over the next month, the large amounts of standing water that remain in the flooded areas will provide an excellent breeding ground for new mosquitoes, and could result in an increased health risk for mosquito-related viruses starting three or four weeks after the flood recedes, Welch said.

A Tulane University study published in 2007 found that people were twice as likely to contract a more severe form of West Nile virus in parts of Louisiana and Mississippi that were most affected by Hurricane Katrina. It’s possible a similar spike could happen in the flood affected areas.

But the increase in West Nile wasn’t necessarily because there were more mosquitoes following Hurricane Katrina, but mostly because people in the areas hit by the storm tended to be outside more during mosquito season, working near standing water.

As people cleaned up and repaired homes after Katrina, they were outside longer and during the time of day when mosquitoes are most active, said Dawn Wesson, a professor at Tulane University’s School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. The same scenario could occur for after this recently flooding.

What can you do to protect against West Nile?

There are steps you can take to minimize the risk of your exposure to the West Nile virus and to protect yourself and your loved ones.

First, it’s important to identify areas in your yard or flooded home where mosquitoes breed including wet spots, damp areas and standing water. Empty out these areas. Be sure to wear insect repellent when working outside or inside your flooded home or property.

Second, we recommend creating a mosquito barrier around your home with our mosquito control service. While Louisiana parishes and cities spray roads and ditches, it’s best for each homeowner to treat their own property especially within the nearest 10 feet of the home.

Contact us today to learn more about the mosquito services that we offer!

Zika Virus Update- latest stats, trends and the Olympics

Zika virus is a relatively new disease that has spread very quickly and made it’s footprint across the world. As it becomes more and more widespread, there is more research being done, more action being taking, and more reporting to the public about how to protect themselves. Learn the latest on Zika including what we already know, what the CDC is doing to help, where it can be found, and the potential risks in relation to the upcoming summer Olympic Games in Brazil.

What We Know About Zika

In the beginning, there was very little known about Zika. Now, there are a few facts that the professionals have learned and can be sure of related to the disease. First of all, a pregnant woman with Zika can pass the virus on to her fetus. When the infection takes place during a pregnancy, there is also a stronger risk for various birth defects.

Researchers have found that aggressive daytime biting mosquitoes from the species called Aedes are where most of the infected bites come from. These insects can bite at night as well.

The Zika virus is also most commonly found throughout tropical areas making it unlikely that it will ever reach certain parts of the United States. However, there are some areas that do have the mosquitoes that carry Zika already.

What Action is the CDC Taking?

The CDC is taking action against the Zika virus to try and keep everyone safe. They are doing what they can to track Zika along with other mosquito-borne viruses throughout not only the United States but also the rest of the world. They are training as many people as possible to know the disease, find it, and accurately report it.

Healthcare providers are also being educated by the CDC on how to identify the virus. In the event the virus is believed to have been found, it is sent to laboratories for diagnostic testing. Experts are trying to find a link between Guillain-Barre syndrome and Zika as well. Furthermore, schools are educating the public about Zika and travelers are being provided with details and information from the CDC about exposing themselves to the virus when visiting areas known to carry Zika.

Areas with Zika


When considering leaving the country, you should be aware of what parts of the world have the Zika virus already reported. Several countries in Africa, the Pacific Islands, and Asia have cases on record of the Zika virus. The Caribbean, Central America, and South America all have active Zika travel notices as well.

US Territories

The US Territories have reported a total of 1,305 cases of Zika. All but four of those were acquired locally. Seven of the cases on file have been linked to Guillain-Barre syndrome.

US States

The United States does not have any locally acquired Zika cases, but as of June 8, 2016, there were 691 travel-associated cases reported. Eleven of those were sexually transmitted and two were related to Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Zika and the Olympics

Zika is spreading in Brazil making many people apprehensive about the upcoming Summer Olympics taking place in this region. It is recommended that pregnant women do not visit the area because of the risk the virus poses to an unborn baby. Those that are traveling are asked to remember a few safety tips to protect themselves and prevent the disease from being brought back to the United States.

Bug Bite and Zika Prevention Tips:

  • Any exposed skin should be treated with an effective and safe insect repellent
  • Long shirts and pants should be worn as frequently as possible to cover the skin
  • Stay inside in either screened in rooms or air conditioning as much as feasible
  • If traveling and staying to an area where there are no screens or air conditioning, use a bed net to cover yourself while sleeping

Unfortunately the threat that this virus poses is uncomfortable for most, and very harmful to those who are pregnant. If you would like to protect your home from any impending threat, the experts from Dugas Pest Control are prepared with our 3 flexible solutions. We offer a mosquito suppression treatment which can reduce populations up to 90%, we offer automated misting systems which can kill and repel mosquitos, and large area fogging. Being in the midst of summer when families are spending more time enjoying the outdoors, know that you can contact us to protect you against pesky mosquitos and the threats they can bring.

How to prepare your home for mosquito season

Dugas Pest Control provides extermination services for homesSummer brings warm weather and fun outdoor activities for you and your whole family. Unfortunately, it also brings with it pesky mosquitoes. Whether you are biking, swimming, or just sitting around a campfire, chances are you are going to be bitten at least once. In order to cut down on the potential risks that come along with mosquitoes, discover some effective ways to prevent them from taking over your backyard.

Eliminate Breeding Grounds

The most common place for mosquitoes to hatch is in open water. Eliminate the breeding ground of these insects by making sure there are no buckets, boats, low ground areas, pet food bowls, or rain gutters that sit with water in them for longer than 7 days. A week to 10 days is all it takes of the eggs of these bugs to hatch.

Keep Mosquito Predators

There are animals that eat mosquitoes that you can keep on your property to help in cutting down the population. Ducks and chickens will eat the bugs and so will fish and frogs. This may not eliminate all of the mosquitoes, but it will definitely help in keeping the population in control.

Keep Mosquito Repelling Plants

Geraniums with a rose scent contain citronella oil, a natural mosquito repellent. Lemon balm plant, catnip, and basil plant also ward off the annoying bloodsuckers. In fact, research has shown that the oil found in catnip is more effective than DEET. Plant some marigolds, horse mint, or ageratum around your property to help with avoiding a mosquito takeover as well.

Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are also effective when it comes to keeping the mosquito away. These can be found at just about any retailer for a reasonable price. Light a few up and set them around the perimeter of your deck or sitting area and the critters should leave you alone while you enjoy the warm summer nights.


To completely avoid mosquitoes altogether, you can sit inside of a screened in room. Make sure that all of the windows and doors of your home are fitted correctly with a mesh screen. They keep mosquitoes and other insects out and your fresh, cool air in.

Close Gaps

If you do have screens, it is essential to make sure that there are no gaps anywhere. Even if these spaces are very small, a mosquito will be able to seek them out and sneak in. There are screen patches and silicone that can be used to effectively close up any open areas.

Mosquito Netting

As an extra safeguard, you can use mosquito netting over the top of beds and cribs to protect yourself and your kids from getting bit during the night.

Get Rid of Unnecessary Items

Look around your property to see if you have anything lying around that you are not using. Things like old tires, unused kid’s toys, and other junk as it is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. They will hold water making it a perfect habitat for the insect. Throw out what isn’t being used and they will have nowhere to lay their eggs.

Treat the yard

There are several different treatment options when it comes to applying something to your yard to keep mosquitoes and other insects away.

If you would rather let someone else do the work, our professionals at Dugas Pest Control can come and take care of the lawn treatment for you. Not only will we apply a treatment, we are experts at dealing with mosquitos and can minimize their presence around your home. We can come and reduce your mosquito population by up to 90% for a party, on a monthly basis, or every 6-12 months. We can also install automated mosquito misting systems customized to your home which spray at a pre-set times each day to kill and repel mosquitos. We can even treat entire neighborhoods if you and your neighbors would like to team up against the mosquitos. Simply give us a call.

With the Zika virus infecting many people around the globe, now more than ever you should be proactive in protecting yourself and your family from being bitten by these disease carrying insects. If you cannot control the problem on your own, there are professionals out there that can help. Contact us today to learn more about how to properly prepare for the upcoming mosquito season.

What Are The Benefits of Using Bioremedial Foam Treatment in Your Restaurant?

Dugas Pest Control provides extermination services for restaurantsYou may have already heard that bioremedial foam treatments are a type of pest control which are gaining popularity with many types of businesses and that this type of treatment is particularly helpful for restaurants. If you are not sure what a bioremedial foam treatment is, it is the use of a foam that contains beneficial microbes which help to destroy the harmful microbes that are present in the area being treated.

Not only is it effective, but it is safe for the environment because it is 100% natural, giving it an advantage over other forms of pest control. If you deal with the common issues like buildup in drain lines and pipes, pests and keeping your business up to health code, you will be glad to hear that Dugas offers Bioremedial foam treatment in their Louisiana service area.

Benefits of Using Bioremedial Foam Treatment in Your Restaurant:

  • It removes flies and other pests like roaches and ants by getting rid of their breeding and feeding sources
  • It reduces health risks presented by flies and other pests
  • It gets rid of grease, fats, oils, and old organic debris
  • It can be used to quickly and safely clean floors, walls, drains and drain lines, tap lines, grease taps and equipment.

Due to the fact that restaurants are prone to pests and often fight an endless battle to ward them off, bioremedial foam treatments allow you to get to the root of the problem in a safe way. While it may be hard to find this service in some areas, there is a provider in the Baton Rouge and Covington areas of Louisiana.

How is Bioremedial Foam Treatment Different than Other Pest Control Treatments Used in Restaurants?

Dugas Pest Control provides extermination services for restaurantsRestaurants have a lot of options when it comes to pest control. These measures literally help keep flies out of the soup. But considering the wide range of options, what makes Bioremediation Foam Treatments different than other treatments?

Bioremedial Foam Treatments works on the basis of microbes ridding the environment of waste. Not only do these “good” microbes exclude pests from an environment, but they also target unpleasant smells. This means that Bioremediation helps get rid of pests, keeps them from coming back, and gets rid of the smell they bring around with them.

Want to know the best part about Bioremedial treatments? They’re totally environmentally-friendly, unlike alternative treatments that can reap havoc on your food safety rating!

What are typical pest control treatments?

  • Exclusion treatments – these treatments aim at keeping pests out
  • Sanitation treatments – these treatments make environments less attractive for pests to live in
  • Pest control chemicals
  • Baits

How are alternative treatments damaging?

Unlike Bioremedial Foam Treatment, alternative treatments can often create a harmful environment, which we all know isn’t acceptable in restaurants. There’s also the risk of inadequate pest control, which just nullifies the efforts in the first place. Fumigation for one uses lethal gasses and involves a treatment time of at least 6 hours. Sanitation treatments expose everyone inside of the establishment to dangerous chemicals, and baits or exclusion tactics that don’t confront the issues in their entirety can cause contamination issues.

Is Bioremedial Foam Treatment Safe to Use in Restaurants?

Dugas Pest Control provides extermination services for restaurantsBioremedial Foam Treatments make for a great solution to the woes restaurants face from pests and the buildup of organic matter. Here’s why: The Bioremedial foam is completely safe in sensitive food-handling environments because it uses microbes that naturally occur, so they’re likely already present in your restaurant. Instead of introducing harsh foreign chemicals, the foam is going to increase the number of good microbes present.

As a restaurant owner, you might have been on the lookout for a natural solution to pest control problems for ages, and the good news is that it’s finally here!

Are There Any Safety Concerns?

With the treatment, more good microbes are introduced into the environment of your restaurant, effectively overpowering the harmful microbes that are to blame for sanitation issues. In a similar way that probiotics can help to fight off problems in the human body, this treatment works to ensure your restaurant is healthy on a microbial level. Unlike pest control treatments based on harmful chemicals, bioremediation foam treatments get rid of contaminants in the environment through a totally natural process. In short, Bioremedial foam treatments don’t carry any special safety concerns, which are often a concern with the use of alternative treatments.

What Should You Know About Bioremedial Safety?

Bioremedial foam treatments are effective, safe and powerful solutions to pest problems within restaurants. Since the treatment products have neutral pH levels, no odor, and no corrosives or butyls, they are non-toxic, non-pathogenic and completely harmless to human, plant, animal and marine life.

What Is Bioremedial Foam Treatment and Why Does Your Restaurant Need It?

Bio-Remedial Foam Treatment…the name sounds pretty complicated, but in actual fact it’s a very natural pest control solution. Let’s dig into the explanation of the treatment and give you a few reasons why we recommend you consider it for your restaurant.

What exactly is Bioremedial Foam Treatment?

The treatment is a natural way of ridding an environment of any contaminants and also neutralizing them. It’s as simple as introducing organisms to the environment which digest contamination, effectively either removing the problem entirely, or changing its chemical composition as to ensure it’s not as hazardous as it was before.

In short: Bioremediation is the process under which composting works. With the introduction of more good microbes, the bad microbes get overpowered, thus disposing of or removing the harmful waste. The treatment gets to the root of the problem and sanitizes the treated area on a microscopic level.

Why Bioremedial Foam Treatments are Important to Restaurants

Pests like flies, roaches, and ants find spots when enough organic matter is present and then call that spot their breeding and feeding ground. Your restaurant is likely to have a few of these spots. Just think of crevices like drains, pipes and surfaces where grease ultimately builds up no matter how much you scrub it down and sanitize it.

Now: By sending good microbes into those areas, the foam treatment helps remove the source that pests call home. Bioremedial foam treatments help restaurants keep pests at bay and also minimizes foul odors caused by them. It’s the safe and natural (not to mention powerful) solution that you’ve been looking for all along!

Don’t Bring Bedbugs Home with You This Summer

Bed bug prevention tips while traveling in New Orleans Louisiana“Don’t let the bedbugs bite.” How many of us have heard this line before? Imagine yourself ready to drop out from sheer exhaustion and looking towards some much-needed shut-eye, only to find yourself hopping out of bed because of insects crawling all over it. Bedbugs are becoming an urban nuisance, and they can ruin your sleep and make you cranky the morning after. In recent years, bedbugs are enjoying a resurgence, as they have invaded a lot of urban areas, most especially homes and hotels.

Infestations are Getting Worse

About the Bug

Cimex lectularius, more commonly known as bed bugs, are parasites that hide within mattresses, headboards, and other bedroom clutter. When hungry, they come out of their hiding places in search of exposed skin to feed on such as the head, neck, arms, and legs. These pests crawl up behind a sleeping person to bite and feed on the blood, and then they go crawling back to their hiding places to reproduce. All kinds of people are vulnerable to bedbug infestations, regardless of whether or not their homes are clean. Aside from people, bedbugs also feed on dogs and cats. They are very small pests, about 5 millimeters in length. Although bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases, the bite they leave on the skin causes rashes which can become itchy and inflamed.

How they were almost eradicated with DDT

The US has dealt with infestations from bedbugs before in the early 20th century, but these were eradicated using the pesticide dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT). It was so effective that bedbugs became occasional pests that can only be seen on prisons, shelters, and hostels. In the 1970s, the use of DDT was outlawed because it was found to be dangerous to the environment.

How increased travel has cause their spreading

Bedbugs are once again making their presence felt after this brief period of hibernation. One factor being looked into is the increased travel of people from around the globe. People go backpacking to developing countries where bedbugs continue to remain a problem, and they unknowingly bring these pests with them when they go home on their clothes, luggage, and backpacks.

How they are gaining resistance to pesticides

Even DDT—the supposed cure-all for bedbugs—was not immune to pesticide resistance. Pesticide-resistant strains in bedbugs were found in the US, and roughly about 90% of bedbugs today have developed a genetic makeup that makes them immune to pyrethroids, a pesticide that is similar to DDT.

Common Ways to Get Bed Bugs

Aside from traveling to countries where bedbugs remain rampant, you can unknowingly spread these pests by staying and sleeping in motels, hotels, and hostels where bedbugs are widespread. Flea markets and garage sales are also at risk of having bedbugs. When you buy secondhand merchandise from these places and bring them home, you might also be bringing bedbugs with you.     

Typical Hiding Places

Bedbugs usually do a “hit-and-run.” They come out to feed and then scurry back to their hiding places until their next meal. Because of this, they usually hide behind places where they are near their food source. Aside from beds and headboards, bedbugs hide behind luggage, suitcases, clothing, beddings, rugs, carpets, box springs, couches, dressers, night stands, and secondhand furniture.

Precautions You Can Take

By taking the necessary precautions, you can prevent bedbugs from entering your house and making a home out of your bed.  Here are some tips:

  • Check reviews– When traveling, before committing to a hotel or motel, check online reviews. Stay away from places where people had commented there were bedbugs, even if they are offering what seems like a good deal.
  • Seal your belongings– Keep a pack of Ziploc bags handy and use them to store your personal items. Keep them shut when not in use to prevent sneaky bedbugs from getting in and contaminating your stuff. Zip your luggage right away after you put or get something out of it.
  • Pack items that can be sanitized– Make sure to pack in items that can be washed and cleaned after you get home from traveling. The first thing you need to do after arriving is to wash and clean them with hot water to prevent infestation.  

Although bedbugs don’t pose a threat to your life, their presence can be really disturbing. They prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep and will continue to feed off of you until they are exterminated. If you have done everything in your power but you still cannot get them out of your house, it’s best to contact us! We’re experienced in helping home owners get rid bed bugs for good.

Spotlight on Disease: What You Need To Know About The Zika Virus

The Zika virus has been in the news recently as you have probably seen. Although most of the Zika cases have happened in Africa where it was discovered, more and more people from the Western hemisphere are getting infected as well. Zika comes from the bite of an infected female Aedes aegypti mosquito. Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has confirmed that Zika can cause microcephaly, a birth defect that causes abnormally small heads in babies. The World Health Organization also said that it may also cause Guillain-Barre syndrome.

What’s Worse than Zika?

Aside from Zika, the Aedes aegypti mosquito also causes other diseases, such as the dengue fever and the chikungunya virus. Although Zika is more reported on the news and more feared, it is actually the “lesser evil” among the three. Let’s take a close look at Dengue and Chikungunya.

  • Dengue– This disease is dangerous because of its asymptomatic nature. Unlike other diseases, it is not so easy to identify and diagnose. A fever of up to 104 degrees may be experienced by a person bitten by an infected Aedes aegypti mosquito, as well as rashes, headaches, joint and muscle pains. While we always equate dengue with abnormally high fever, some strains of dengue do not cause an infected person to feel feverish. Dengue becomes dangerous when the blood vessels stop working and the oxygen blood fails to clot, causing seizures and bleeding. If it remains untreated, the blood vessels can collapse and lead to hemorrhaging and death. About 25,000 people die from dengue every year.
  • Chikungunya– This virus has almost the same symptoms as dengue. Most people will experience fever, headache, and joint pains. Infected people get better from chikungunya within 7 to 10 days. However, about 40% of people who get infected with the virus will also develop chronic chikungunya, where they may suffer from recurring joint pains for as long as 2 years, This results in a less-than-sharp dexterity and loss of mobility. Other serious complications of the disease are inflammation of the heart and brain, as well as eye problems. Death from chikungunya happens very rarely, unlike dengue.

All three diseases have similar symptoms, but the main difference is that Zika will only last for a couple days and then the symptoms will be gone for good. On the other hand, dengue can last for weeks at a time and can be life-threatening once there is bleeding and hemorrhaging. Immediate medical attention is needed for those who have dengue fever while people who have Zika rarely get themselves checked by a medical professional and are unlikely to die.


Studies about the Aedes aegypti mosquito are currently underway, one of which is conducted by entomologists from the LSU AgCenter, who received a grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The aim of their project is to develop two classes of insecticides that will control and curb Louisiana mosquitos.

However, prevention is still the best cure, and the best way to prevent mosquitos is to ensure there are no places in the home where mosquitos can breed. Homeowners need to check and clean liquid containers that may become breeding grounds for mosquitos and install window and door screens to prevent these insects from entering the home.

Lessons from New Orleans and Mosquito Control

Louisiana’s mosquito control board has always been on the alert when it comes to disease-carrying mosquitos. The board has taken it upon themselves to prevent an outbreak of the diseases caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Here are some of the things they have done in recent history.

  • Hurricane Katrina and the mosquito fish-The city board dropped hundreds of mosquitofish in abandoned swimming pools all across New Orleans. These fishes consumed the mosquito larvae found in these murky swimming pools.
  • 2012 Dengue response plan-After a dengue outbreak in Florida, the city board conducted mosquito testing within Bywater and Mid-City neighborhoods, and protocols were in place if ever an outbreak were to occur.
  • 2014 Chikungunya containment-The city board also followed closely the three cases of chikungunya that came from travelers who vacationed from the Caribbean.

Other US cities should learn and follow in the footsteps of the Big Easy state when it comes to preparing for an outbreak that might result from Zika, Dengue, or Chikungunya. Perhaps the only good news that Zika has managed to bring us is that we are now more aware of how deadly the Aedes aegypti mosquito really is, and how there are far more dangerous diseases it can carry.

The Aedes aegypti is tough to eliminate. It preys on people during the daytime and relies on water to live. If all your efforts to remove mosquitos from your home, office, or commercial establishment have been incomplete, then it’s time to contact us and get rid of them for good!

Termites: When You Need Professional Help

Dugas Pest Control provides termite treatment and extermination service in New Orleans and Baton Rouge LouisianaIf cells are the building blocks of life, then consider cellulose as the building block of wood.

Unfortunately, termites absolutely love to feed on cellulose. They prefer to feed on natural living things that contain cellulose, such as tree stumps, limbs, and branches. They also love to eat building materials that are made of cellulose materials, such as structural wood foundation, wooden furniture, and wooden fixtures. This is why termites should not only be a cause of concern for the private homeowner; these pests should also be a concern for business owners who own a building establishment and want to preserve it for a long time.

You Need Help When These Termites Infest Your Business

There are four types of termites that can wreak havoc to your office building or business establishment:

  • Dampwood – Dampwood termites live in places that contain high moisture content. These kind of termites are rarely found inside a building, because it does not contain enough moisture or water content. And if indeed they can be found inside a building, they are most likely living near where the water source is, such as leaky plumbing. They are larger in size compared to the other types of termites, and do not have to be in contact with the soil in order to survive. Dampwood termites are usually found in the Pacific Northwest.
  • Drywood – Unlike dampwood termites, drywood termites need minimal moisture. Their main source of food is cellulose from wood. They can tolerate very dry conditions for an extended period of time because they live off from the water that comes from the digestion of cellulose. They find homes among dead trees, stored lumber, structural timbers, or hardwood floors, which is why they cause severe damage to both homes and commercial buildings that are made of wood.

Drywood termites are smaller than subterranean termites, so the damage they can cause is at a much slower rate than the latter. They swarm in early spring and summer, and can be found in humid states such as California, Hawaii, Florida, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

  • Subterranean – Subterranean termites can nest on the soil and wet wood to get the moisture they need. If the wood material they want to infest is not attached to soil, they will build mud tunnels in order to reach the above-ground wood.

Infestation by subterranean termites can be devastating to a building’s foundation because there can be as many as 1,000,000 termites within a colony. Subterranean termites can be found all throughout the US except in Alaska, although they are rare in colder states. They are usually found within the humid and tropical regions of the US.

  • Formosan – Formosan termites are a kind of subterranean termites that live underneath the ground. As their name implies, Formosan termites originated from China and Taiwan, and entered the US mainland through military ships during the 1940s.

Formosan termites are the most dangerous kind of termites because they form the largest colony of up to a million members and can cause structural damage to a building in a short period of time. What makes Formosan subterranean termites dangerously lethal is that they can chew their way through thin sheets of metal, PVC pipes, and electric power lines just to get through to the cellulose material that is on the other side. They are mostly found in the southern part of the US, including Louisiana.

The Commercial Treatment Difference

Hiring a pest control company that offers commercial services is useful because they offer a comprehensive range of treatments suited for a business. A company that offers basic pest control services can be enough to accommodate a residential client’s concern, but might not be able to fully meet the needs and demands of a commercial client.

When hiring a full-service pest control company, the job doesn’t end with the pest being eradicated. The client is also educated on how to prevent pests from entering their building in the future, and follow ups from the pest control company are expected to fully ensure the building remains pest-free.

Professional Treatments

These treatments are exclusively offered by professionals.

  • Sentricon – Available exclusively from professionals, Sentricon works by placing baits all around the termites’ underground mud tunnels. The bait is a chitin synthesis inhibitor, which prevents the termites from moulting and causing their eventual death. When a termite comes into contact with the bait, it will share and pass the poison around with other termites within the colony.

Keep your business and building protected-contact us today!